An unbiased news platform guided by the belief that people, passion, and hearts should control everything.
Coming Soon!
In a world with so much news, Bellman is where you find out what’s really happening from voices you can trust. “Too young to be corrupted, too old to be fooled, too quick to be stopped.”
Inspired by the name for town criers in bygone eras, Bellman is a new form of interactive journalism rooted in ethics and integrity. The web-based platform gives young news anchors complete freedom to create the content they believe is important, and viewers the ability to comment and share with minimal restrictions. Inspired by the name for town criers in bygone eras, the reinvented “Bellman” is an unbiased news source created by young people who are sick of the fear-based threats of money-grubbing news sources with murky motives.
A Bellman is the new form of influencer: half journalist-half creator.
Our ethos, culture and structure is what sets Bellman apart from every other news media. While the agendas of other independent news agencies are ultimately driven by profitability, in the world of Bellman, goodwill, faith in humanity, honesty and culturally acceptable values determine what is reported. Guided by the belief that people, passion, and hearts should control everything, Bellman will use an innovative new process for creating, editing, and delivering content that will bring excitement and transparency to news reporting.
We are holding auditions for passionate, free thinking journalists from around the world.